Schema Database
As an important supporting accessory, Database describes the attributes
to locally deploy or create a cloud provider managed database instance for
the workload.
Name and Description | Type | Default Value | Required |
type Type defines the local deployment mode or the specific cloud vendor that provides the relational database service (rds). | str | Undefined | required |
engine Engine defines the database engine to use. | str | Undefined | required |
version Version defines the database engine version to use. | str | Undefined | required |
instanceType InstanceType defines the type of the database which is required when creating an rds instance provided by the cloud vendor. | str | Undefined | optional |
size Size defines the allocated storage size of the rds instance provided by the cloud vendor in GB. | int | 10 | optional |
category Category defines the edition of the rds instance provided by the cloud vendor. | str | "Basic" | optional |
username Username defines the operation account for the database. | str | "root" | optional |
securityIPs SecurityIPs defines the list of IP addresses allowed to access the rds instance provided by the cloud vendor. | [str] | [""] | optional |
subnetID SubnetID defines the virtual subnet ID associated with the VPC that the rds instance will be created in. | str | Undefined | optional |
privateLink PrivateLink defines whether the host address of the rds instance for the workload to connect with is via public network or private network of the cloud vendor. | bool | True | optional |
extraMap ExtraMap defines the diversified rds configuration items from different cloud vendors. | {str: str} | Undefined | optional |
Instantiate an aws rds with mysql 5.7.
import catalog.models.schema.v1.accessories.database as db
database: db.Database {
type: "aws"
engine: "mysql"
version: "5.7"
instanceType: "db.t3.micro"
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